I've been working towards my goal hard core since October. Sometimes harder than others. And sometimes, I am working the eating part harder than the exercise part and then vise versa.
This morning I decided that I have been working the exercise part harder than the eating. I haven't been eating horrible...I mean, I've still been losing. Last week I lost 3 pounds. So, I'm still burning more calories than what I'm taking in. But I can say that I think my weight loss would be more substantial if I evened out my focus. Gave a little more love to the WW plan (which I really do LOVE) and see what happens. But at the same time, I want to continue my workouts at the same intensity as planned.
I've said before that for me to be successful, I have to plan. And I still stand by that. I would say that I have been laxed in my planning. Last night for the first time in maybe a month I actually entered in advance all my exercise and food for the week in my WW tracker. I haven't quit tracking, but I was doing it as I ate. I am better if I put it in in advance.
But my weakest moments are in the evening. I am fine during the work day. I take my breakfast. lunch, and snacks to work and that's what I eat. Even when other people bring snacks for everyone else. I am not tempted. Okay, maybe tempted, but I don't give into it.
I think the key to why I'm successful during the work day is that I'm pretty much scheduled as to when I can eat. I haven't been given that schedule, but I basically eat every 2 hours or so. Now that my schedule has changed I eat breakfast and lunch a little later. More like 2 1/2 to 3 hours apart.
I've decided to implement that same strategy while I'm at home. Today I wrote out a schedule for the rest of the week. Taking into account what time my workouts are planned, I scheduled what time I would eat snacks and dinner.
I got off work today at 3:30. I ate my scheduled banana at 4:00. Dinner at 5:00 (a little early after a snack, but had to give it enough time to digest before TURBO), and I will have a serving of yogurt at 9:00 when I get home.
So far, with knowing what time I am scheduled to eat, I haven't thought about food outside of those times. Now, I realize this is only day one trying this out. But, I know myself, and I'm pretty sure this is going to work.
I'll keep you updated. ;o)
P.S. Turbo rocked tonight! It was great! I'm super excited to do this routine for the next couple of months!
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