Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Living and Learning.....Learning and Living...

We will start with Learning.....Tonight I learned that what I wore to run in on this cool evening was WAY TOO MUCH.  I was very uncomfortable and I think that it effected my running.  Not horribly.  I think I did okay tonight.  But, I was sticky hot with all those clothes on.  So, I will not worry so much about the cold next time, knowing that I'm going to get warm.  Tonights run was not timed.  It was a run 3 minutes walk 1 minute run for 1 mile and a half.  Working on my own for another week and then we run 2 miles next week as a group.

Now for Living......It is obvious that I love food.  Couldn't have gotten this size if I didn't.  And, just because I'm trying to lose weight, I'm not going to decide that I don't like food.  I like food as a source of entertainment and celebration.  What I need to change is the way I think of how I eat.  I don't have to be entertained by food every day, and everyday doesn't have to be a food celebration. 

But, holidays are another matter.  They are the special occasions to celebrate and be entertained with food.  But, because I still need to keep some kind of control, here is my plan:

I am going to take my food scale and I'm going to eat what I want.  But I'm going to eat what I REALLY want.  I'm going to fill my plate once, measuring what I ate so that I can log it accurately.  Only one plate but it will be full and tracked.  I also will allow myself one dessert. 

We'll see how I do  ;o)

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